Uploading files via FTP for screen branding purposes

Uploading files via FTP for screen branding purposes

If you have reached the maximum graphics library storage capacity for your account, use FTP as a work around to securely upload and store your graphics.  Here's how:

  1. Log-in to your account.
  2. Click Main Menu -> Configuration -> Users -> (your user).
  3. Set your FTP password and save.
  4. Using an FTP program, connect to our virtual FTP server.  The following are the credentials you will use:

    FTP Host/User Credentials

    After an FTP password is configured the FTP server is accessed with the following credentials:






    <FTP Password>

    SFTP Port Number21
    Notice that the values in angle brackets are replaced with the actual values for the account.
    Please make sure to study the format for the credentials carefully.
  1. Click on catalogs -> secure.ultracart.com -> file-system  within the remote view on your FTP client.  
  2. Upload the files onto the FTP server.  You can create directories, etc. just like you would on a regular FTP server.

Reference the files in your screen branding.  Suppose you uploaded logo.gif into the /catalogs/secure.ultracart.com/file-system/ folder on the FTP server.  You would reference it with this URL: